
How Fast Does a 250cc Dirt Bike Go?

How Fast Does a 250cc Dirt Bike Go?

So, exactly how fast is a 250cc dirt bike? 

If you’re looking for something fast, this is your best bet! A 250cc dirt bike is perfect for those who are new to the sport. It’s also an excellent choice if you don’t like dealing with the gear that comes with riding a motorcycle. This bike has about 16 foot-pounds of torque, which is more than enough for most people.

A 250cc can reach speeds of up to 85 miles per hour. But it will depend on several factors. Read on to find out how fast this dirt bike can go and what affects its speed.

How Fast Is a 250cc Dirt Bike?

man riding a dirt bike on rough road

The average speed of these dirt bikes is very different. A 250cc dirt bike can go 55 to 80 mph or about 90 to 113 km/h, but it depends on the gear. 250cc bikes can achieve over 80mph of speed, but they can't get past 100mph under normal circumstances due to their limit set for street riders. So, you'll usually find these dirt bikes limited to about 80 mph. 

Now, you could be wondering if there is a difference in speed between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine. Which is faster of the two? The truth is that there isn’t much difference in speed. 

The engine’s power is proportional to the ability of the piston to push on the air inside. A 2-stroke engine is a less fuel-efficient engine, but it provides more power. A 4-stroke is more fuel-efficient but offers less power.

A two-stroke engine has been the traditional choice for dirt bikes since it is more powerful and less expensive than a four-stroke. One of the differences between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine is that the former uses an oil injection system while the latter uses a fuel injection system. 

How Fast Does a 250cc 2-Stroke Dirt Bike Go?

The 250cc 2-stroke dirt bike is the less powerful engine version out of the two options. This makes the impact on power and speed much more dominant in this dirt bike. Here is an example of a two-stroke engine dirt bike

KTM 250 XC high jump

The KTM 250 XC is the fastest 250cc 2-stroke dirt bike in the market. With its max speed of 85 mph, it offers riders the best of both worlds on what they can expect.

How Fast Does a 250cc 4-Stroke Dirt Bike Go?

If you feel the urge to upgrade to a four-stroke engine bike, you could be wondering how fast this bike would go. Again, it will depend on the model, among other factors. 

Suzuki RM-Z250 on the road

The Suzuki RM-Z250, for instance, is a 4-stroke dirt bike made to travel up to 85 mph. It is a bike made with power, speed, and maneuverability in mind. Of course, there are reasons for these, including several engine improvements to make it a better bike. 

The four-stroke engine is enough to produce up to a 249 displacement rating if you’re a starter. This, combined with the five-speed transmission, without any doubt, will push the speed up to 85 mph.

Another 4-stroke bike, the Yamaha WR250F, can go as fast as 80mph with stock gearing. 

Factors That Affect the Speed of a Dirt Bike

KTM 250 XC 2 stroke engine

Dirt bikes are great for racing, off-roading, and other outdoor activities. When deciding on the right bike, you’ll want to consider several factors that affect the bike’s speed. The type of engine, the size, gearing, and suspension are all important things to consider when determining how fast a bike will go. 

Let’s take a look at the different factors that would either limit or increase the speed of a 250cc dirt bike.

Not Servicing the Bike Regularly

A dirt bike’s speed can be significantly affected by how often you ride it and how much oil or grease you add to it to keep it sliding.. Dirt bikes are a lot like sports cars or vehicles that you drive off-road. 

They rely on lubrication, and the higher the engine’s RPM (revs per minute), the faster the bike will go. If you don’t clean the bike regularly, the rust will gradually eat away at the engine, causing the bike to slow down. 

Dirt bikes aren’t the most expensive of bikes, so it’s best to have them serviced at least every once in a while. You can clean your dirt bike in just a few minutes and keep it looking great. 

You’ll also want to get your tires checked before heading on any long rides. If a bike is not serviced correctly, you’ll find that its performance suffers.

Chain Is Loosened

This occurs when the chain is loosened from the drive-train. Loosening the chain decreases the speed of the bike because of the lack of tension in the drive-train. 

To understand this, let’s imagine you’re riding a bike, and you have a very loose chain and constantly slipping. If this is the case, you will not maintain a consistent speed because it’s challenging to go fast on a slipping bike.

As the chain becomes looser, it causes the bike to swerve and make sharp turns. The bike also cannot speed up as quickly. If this is the case, it’s best to switch to a new chain for your bike.

Masked Spark Plugs

A bike with clean spark plugs and no metal filings, as well as an excellent sealant to keep those bad boys sealed to the bike, will stay in good working order and won’t require an auto-ignition system. Keep in mind that this doesn’t apply to most bikes because of their outer cover, engine block, or carburetor.

If you’re going uphill, you don’t need your engine to turn over because the bike will go from 0 to 20 or more mph without you having to apply any extra force. 

Conversely, if you’re going downhill, it’s a whole different ball game. In these instances, your bike will work on all four cylinders, so it takes extra torque to get it to move fast.

Low Engine Oil Level or Poor Oil Quality

Low engine oil levels or poor oil quality can affect how hard a bike rides. The way an engine works is not the same for every bike or bike combination. Engine oil is vital for all vehicles, but it’s crucial for dirt bikes. 

If your engine is weak and you ride uphill, you’ll be pushing oil through your system at a high rate. When the engine does that, and it’s not used to how the oil performs, then it won’t give perfect results. For optimum engine protection, you should use oil filters for motorcycles.

Adding Accessories to the Motorcycle

Another factor affecting the speed of a dirt bike is accessories. Many people purchase optional accessories that increase the speed of the dirt bike. This includes gearing, which makes it easier to maneuver. 

Disc brakes, also called disk brakes or drum brakes, make it easier to stop the bike. Hydraulic clutch, which automatically releases when the rider isn’t applying pressure, means the bike doesn’t have to apply pressure to the clutch to start. 

Aftermarket parts can also make the bike faster. These can include larger tires, which increase the overall surface area covered.

Heavy Braking and Accelerating

Heavy braking and speeding up reduce the top speed of a dirt bike. Heavy braking can slow down a bike by up to 50 percent. 

For every 100 pounds of rider weight the bike has, the bike can lose over 2 miles per hour. Speeding up takes longer than braking to get the bike moving. It takes about 4.5 times longer to speed up a bike than to brake. 

A good dirt bike rider will also slow down enough to make it up the next hill without braking or accelerating.

Braking forces are vital because there is a massive difference between a very light and a heavy braking force. When you reach a hill and decide to slow down, you want your braking force to be very light. That way, you can still drive the bike with slight strain. 

However, as you progress uphill, you’re increasing your braking force, so you don’t want to hold on to the brake all the way. It is okay to use a light braking force up a hill, but the type of brake must be fair enough that you don’t have to use it to the top.

Low Pressure in the Tires

The low pressure in the tires affects the speed of a 250 cc dirt bike because it slows down the bike’s rotations per minute.

It is a common misconception that a faster tire equals a quicker speed. In reality, the rotation of the wheels has the most significant impact on how fast a bike goes. The lower air pressure in a tire decreases its ability to turn, resulting in slower speeds.

The low pressure in tires affects their ride quality, which can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on where the rider is riding.

Unnecessary Gear Shifting

Some riders are over-the-top and over-equipped for their riding experience. This can be a problem when riding dirt bikes as it takes longer to do stuff you don’t need to do. One example is unnecessary gear shifting.

Rider Weight Distribution

The rider’s weight is the most crucial factor determining speed. It depends on where the rider’s weight is. If the weight is well-distributed, the bike will move uphill efficiently. 

If the rider is heavily leaning in one direction, the bike will move slowly. This affects the rider’s balance.

Slope and weight distribution affect how fast a bike will go downhill as well. If the rider is leaning too far into a turn and leaning too much on the front fork, then the bike will be slow in the downhill direction. This causes the bike to lean heavily into a turn, which will affect the bike’s balance.

Exhaust System

We will look at the exhaust system, but we will assume that the vital piece that makes the dirt bike go is a catalytic converter. This is simply a piece of metal that will help the motorcycle deal with emissions. There are also catalytic converters on some SUVs, and these work the same way. 

The effect depends on the type of exhaust system. If the engine is in a cylinder-head area, then catalytic converters are probably less of a factor. However, on a V-twin engine, the catalytic converter will matter.

Fuel System

A fuel system includes a carburetor, intake manifold, fuel pump, and fuel filter. A carburetor mixes air with fuel for combustion in an internal combustion engine. 

The more air mixed with the fuel by the carburetor, the more power is generated in an engine. Fuel-injected engines use sensors to measure the airflow and provide feedback that adjusts how much gas flows into an engine based on changes in throttle position and other factors such as ambient temperature.

Rider Experience and Skill

A dirt bike rider’s skill and experience also play a huge role. Some riders are confident, while some are not. Some have experience on dirt bikes, while others have never even seen one before. 

How well they ride a dirt bike also affects their speed. Experience gives you a more direct feeling of what a bike will do while it’s moving, but as riders get more experience, they learn how to compensate for their mistakes and make adjustments.

There are three factors in combination that can significantly affect a dirt bike’s speed—slope, hills, and rider weight. All these have different effects on the bike’s speed. 

The number of riders on a dirt bike also affects the rate. More riders on a bike make it more challenging to maintain control of the bike. As a bike rider increases speed, the harder it is to balance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a 250cc dirt bike fast?

Yes. The 250cc engine can be fast in specific scenarios, such as racing. However, it may not be fast in other cases, such as trails or long-distance riding. One of the most important things to consider when asking this is the engine size. Check out the fastest dirt bikes around.

Is a 250cc dirt bike too big?

It depends. The power of a 250cc dirt bike is enough for most people. If you want to go biking on the street, a 250cc dirt bike may be too big. However, if you have much space and want to go off-roading or need the power for racing, then it may be your best choice.

Is 250cc good for a dirt bike?

Yes. A 250cc engine is a good choice for beginners or those who want more balance between power and maneuverability.

Convertible motorcycle engine size is an important consideration when purchasing a motorcycle. The engine size specifies how much power the motor will produce and is usually determined by the amount of air it takes in. 

Is a 250cc dirt bike good for beginners?

Yes. A 250cc dirt bike is a good option for beginners if they want something easy to ride and maintain. A 125cc may be a better choice if the person is looking for something faster and more challenging.

Final Thoughts 

When you’re on the lookout for a new dirt bike, make sure you consider the above factors. Dirt bikes are great to ride, but you do have to take your time before signing off on something! Make sure you have deep knowledge about them before you drop a ton of cash on something that will not meet your speed requirements.

joshua mattie

Joshua D. Mattie

My motorbike addiction began with 50cc at 5 years old. I rode motocross as a teenager & into my 20's when I worked as a mechanic. This helped me to see the light—sportbikes & cruisers became a passion. Now I'm building BikersRights to be the #1 resource for everything on 2 wheels!