Kansas Motorcycle Helmet Law

Chapter 8. Automobiles and Other Vehicles. Article 15. Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules of the Road, Special Rules for Motorcycles. Section 8-1598. Operation of motorcycles; equipment required for operators and riders. :“(a) No person under the age of 18 years shall operate or ride upon a motorcycle or a motorized bicycle, unless wearing a helmet which complies with minimum performance requirements established by the national highway traffic safety administration pursuant to the national traffic and motor vehicle safety act of 1966 for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users.”
The fine for not wearing a helmet is $52, first offense. (Thanks Josh Hill for info)
Chapter 8. Automobiles and Other Vehicles. Article 15. Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules of the Road, Special Rules for Motorcycles. Section 8-1598. Operation of motorcycles; equipment required for operators and riders. :“. . . complies with minimum performance requirements established by the national highway traffic safety administration pursuant to the national traffic and motor vehicle safety act of 1966 for helmets designed for use by motorcyclists and other motor vehicle users.”
We have not found any published cases from any of the Kansas courts of record regarding challenges of the state’s helmet law on constitutional grounds, or any other.
If you know of any current activity regarding efforts to remove or otherwise amend Kansas’ helmet law, in the Legislature or the Courts, please e-mail that information to us so we can update this site. Thanks.