Oregon Motorcycle Helmet Law

Title 59. Oregon Vehicle Code. Chapter 814. Pedestrians, passengers, Livestock, Motorcycles, Mopeds, Bicycles, Motorized Wheelchairs. Mopeds and Motorcycles. Section 814.269 Failure of motorcycle operator to wear a motorcycle helmet; penalty. :“(1) A person commits the offense of failure of a motorcycle operator to wear a motorcycle helmet if the person operates a motorcycle and is not wearing a motorcycle helmet.”
Bill Magnie has reported that the fine for a conviction of the above statute is $67 (unless you go to Brookings, where it’s rumored fines can reach $300). Thanks Bill.
Title 59. Oregon Vehicle Code. Chapter 801.366: “‘Motorcycle Helmet’ means a protective covering for the head consisting of a hard outer shell, padding adjacent to and inside the outer shell and a chin-strap type retention system with a sticker indicating that the motorcycle helmet meets standards established by the United States Department of Transportation.
The harassment of bikers continued even after the recent changes in the Oregon law. ABATE of Oregon sued the Superintendent of the Oregon State Police and got a terrific decision — ABATE of Oregon v. Howard.
July 7, 2001 – HB 2808 – In committee upon adjournment. Bill Status
March 28, 2001 – HB 2808 – 21 and over helmet mod bill. 03/26 – Passed House 35 – 22. Moved to Senate Trans Committee as of 3/28.
July 7, 1999 – HB 3632 – After considerable active lobbying and numerous delays, the bill was votedon today and failed to gain the 16 vote majority vote needed for passage. The count was 15-14.
May 13, 1999 – SB 583 lost the House Transportation Committee vote 5 to 5.
May 10, 1999 – SB 583 – A Helmet mod bill to reduce mandatory age to 21, House Trans Committee heard testimony and resumes Wed May 12.
May 1999 – HB 2613 – A handlebar height repeal passed House Feb 26, Senate Mar 29 and was signed into law by Governor. The new law will take effect 90 days after the Governor’s signature.
Oregon 2452 – Status
Oregon 2452 – Amendment. Senate Trans Committee amended HB2454 to require PIP (personal injury protection), but was previously approved by the House, so it goes to conference committee to reconcile before going to the governor, who opposes the bill.
Oregon 2452 – BikePAC position statment. HB 2454 PIP Insurance
Oregon – Bikers getting tickets by Sam Hochberg. Even with their new lid law, bikers face prejudicial enforcement of their “old” helmet law…