
California Bike Registrations 1991 – 99

Motorcycle registrations have plummeted since the 1992 Helmet Law. There are 225,000, a whopping 35%, fewer riders today! And of those that do ride, overall… they ride less often.

When the authorities boast that the Helmet Law is working because accidents are “down.” You need to counter that a piece of plastic placed on one’s head cannot… and will not… ever prevent an accident.

However, less riders riding less often does obviously cause less accidents. In so far as the Helmet Law has dissuaded 225,000 bikers from riding altogether… sure, in that sense the Helmet Law has been terribly effective in reducing accidents by getting us off the road entirely!

And that my friends is exactly why the Insurance Industry loves and supports helmet laws. It’s the next best thing to banning the damn things altogether…

Year Annual Year
to Year
% 1991
to Year
1991 639,388
1992 583,222 -56,166 -8.78% -56,166 -8.78%
1993 557,986 -25,236 -3.95% -81,402 -12.73%
1994 527,666 -30,320 -4.74% -111,722 -17.47%
1995 518,120 -9,546 -1.49% -121,268 -18.97%
1996 511,637 -6,483 -1.01% -127,751 -19.98%
1997 391,080 -120,557 -18.86% -248,308 -38.84%
1998 397,032 5,952 0.93% -242,356 -37.90%
1999 413,676 16,644 2.60% -225,712 -35.30%

Source: California Department of Motor Vehicles